1st Thundersley Brownies with Dawn Crampin Challenge shield

News / July 5th, 2024

Dawn Crampin Brownie Challenge event

On Sunday 30 June over 30 Brownies gathered at Guideacres to enjoy the first ever Dawn Crampin Challenge event.  Prior to the event, Brownies were set a list of challenges and each division selected the unit which had submitted the best scrapbook displaying their efforts. From each of these units 6 Brownies attended the final event to compete for the shield.

Brownies completed a variety of Olympic themed challenges including cake decorating, collage of natural materials, making a team mascot, building towers and colouring a sombrero.  While the judges were making their decisions, Brownies had fun playing  games outside on the field.

A great time was had by all and our congratulations go to 1st Thundersley Brownies on winning the shield.


Cakes Tower of sticks and marshmallows

Our thanks to all the volunteers who arranged the challenge, helped their units complete, and helped on the day.

There are many more pictures on our Facebook page.