News / June 20th, 2024

County commissioner’s blog – June 2024

I have continued with my visits to local units, visiting a Brownie unit and 2 Guide units this month. It is great seeing all the young people have such an amazing time. They can only do this if we have our amazing adults working with them and supporting them. So, thank you to each and everyone of you for all the time you give up and the work you put into providing the girls with such a varied programme.

It is not long now until the summer break and I know some of you have already been on residential trips and others have them planned for the up coming weeks and the summer.  This of course includes the EIJ which is only 6 weeks away!!! We have several units attending the camp and also many visiting for the day. I hope you all have an amazing time and can’t wait to hear about your experiences when you get back.

I joined the county Trefoil groups for their AGM, which was Ann Hollington’s last one as her term of office as county Trefoil Chair is reaching its end. We had a very interesting presentation from Janet Nelson, not about guiding, but this time her other passion of Puppy Raising. This was very informative and we were lucky enough to have 2 super stars in 2 Guide Dog puppies. We eagerly await to hear who will be taking over from Ann and I would like to take this opportunity of thanking her for all her hard work during her time as County Trefoil Chair and wish her all the best for the future.

I was very privileged to present Doreen Longhurst with her 60 year, long service award on Saturday 15 June at St Peter’s Church Thundersley. Many friends old and new joined Doreen and her family for a surprise get together. Never easy trying to keep an event such as this secret but Doreen was genuinely surprised when she arrived at the hall. Well done to Kellie, her daughter, for organising it all.

Doreen and Carole

I am now looking forward to the next 2 weekends when we have our hastily rejigglged County Day on Saturday 22 June. Thank you to Julie Nye and her team of trainers for rearranging the event, including venue, after a lower than hoped for number of attendees. I know it is going to be a great event and look forward to seeing those of you who are coming.

The other exciting event is the finals of the Dawn Crampin Challenge for Brownies. This is taking place at Guideacres on Sunday 30 June. Congratulations to the winning units from each division who will now be representing their division at the event. Details for the day have been sent to leaders of the winning units and division commissioners for information.

As always thank you, and your families for supporting you, for all you do in guiding. You truly are an amazing team!!!

Carole Davies

County commissioner