Rangers from Athena with challenge cup

News / May 10th, 2024

ESE Ranger and Young Leader Challenge Cup

Friday 26 April saw the long-awaited return of the Ranger and Young Leader Challenge Cup. Teams from Nemesis, Harlequin, Oasis, Athena, Phoenix, and Astria Ranger units arrived at Thriftwood greeted by a fire and the promise of an evening of Jumanji-themed challenges.

The event opened with the presentation of Ranger Bronze awards as well as a leader 10-year service award – congratulations to you all. After an initial introduction to the event (and introduction to Peggy the Essex International Jamboree mascot who joined everyone for the evening) the challenge was on!

The teams were tasked with venturing from base to base across the campsite completing challenges to collect gems. From searching for letters in gunge filled containers and digging for fossils, to cracking codes and completing dance battles, the evening was full of puzzles, adventure and intrigue in true Jumanji style. With a gem up for grabs at each base with opportunity for extra bonus gems for creativity and impressive performances in the challenges, the evening certainly brought out the competitive spirit amongst the teams!

Once all teams had returned to the main base, selfies had been had with Peggy, and the suspense had been built up by Jumanji drum music, it was finally time to crown the winners… It was a very close competition, but many congratulations to the team from Athena Rangers who were crowned the winners of the Challenge Cup (also taking home the Jumanji Idol) – we can’t wait to see what you have in store for next year’s competition!

Our thanks to Holly for the above report

.Hippo challenge image Digging for letters in gunge