News / November 12th, 2023
Anglia region’s Spot-acular event
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers had a great morning with Southend United and Anglia region today. Members of both the men’s and ladies’ teams were present as were Pudsey and Sammi the Shrimp. This was a sponsored event for members of Girlguiding to raise money for Girlguiding Anglia, Children in Need and Southend United Community and Educational Trust. After a two minutes’ silence, girls went onto the pitch where the ladies’ team train once a week to warm up with some cool dance moves. They then split into three groups to take turns to try different activities.
One group took penalty shots at a member of the ladies’ team – with several getting four past the goalies!
Another group played a short game on part of the pitch. There were some really impressive moves and the girls really seemed to know their stuff.
The other group was given the chance to do archery and fencing – both of which are always popular.
All girls received a certificate presented by our region chief, Karen Johnson, and everyone got a special badge. As an added bonus we made the BBC news.
Our thanks to everyone involved for arranging this special day and to the volunteers and parents who brought the girls. (The leaders all got a badge too!)