Ships Cannon

News / October 30th, 2022

3rd Castle Mount East Brownies visit Southend Museum & Planetarium

As a celebration of the last day of half term. We went to our Southend planetarium and museum, where our unit was split in half so one half got to see the show and the other the museum and then swapped. We were there for 2 hours and our girls really enjoyed it. It sparked lots of interesting conversations and our Brownies asked the staff lots of very good questions.

We were very lucky that the planetarium open up just for us on our normal Brownie day. We had 24 brownies.

This has encouraged a couple of girls to complete their space & collection and archaeology interest badge. So, a couple of our girls are now working on their gold challenge. We also ticked off lots of the green UMAs about planets! A few of our girls were so interested they brought with them notebooks and were writing down parts that interested them. They were super excited that pottery was found in town names that they recognised and where they have family living.

This has been our first outing with our unit since before lockdown and went very well. We are planning to go bouldering early next year. And in the summer take them pond dipping at Wat Tyler Park.


Teresa – leader, 3rd Castle Mount East Brownies