Trefoil Guild

Guiding for Adults

The Trefoil Guild is an independent charitable organisation of over 20,000 members which has a corporate membership with Girlguiding. Whether you have been a Guide or not, the Trefoil Guild could be for you.

For anyone over 18 who supports the guiding ethos, the Trefoil Guild offers guiding for adults; friendship and fun, and the opportunity to support guiding and scouting and the local community. Many members chose to share their skills and interests with other members, or with girls in local Girlguiding units.

In Essex South East we have around 150 members in 8 Guilds which meet in afternoons and evenings, with a variety of county-wide activities too.

For those who like a personal challenge there is the Voyage Award to help you extend your skills and interests, while the STARS programme provides a framework for personal and Guild activities.

For more information, please email and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Jayne Skingley, County Trefoil Guild Chair
Jayne Skingley, County Trefoil Guild Chair