The Outdoor team

Providing support to leaders in the county on residentials and outdoor activities.

Outdoor Team

The Outdoor team provides support to leaders in the county on residentials, outdoor skills, Going Away qualifications, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Archery, Boating, Walking Scheme and Climbing activities.
They also arrange outdoor events for the county like Brownie rambles, night hikes, skills day, Pudding day, Archery Dabble and many more.
The team includes a qualified archery team that can run sessions for unit meetings and residentials. They are always looking for new instructors for their team.  If you are interested in doing the qualification please contact the outdoor team.
The County Outdoor Team can be contacted via email:
  • Outdoor Activities Adviser  – Carol Crowhurst
  • Assistant Outdoor Activities Adviser – Melanie Graham
  • Archery Adviser – Wendy Ingle
  • Rainbow & Brownie Residential Adviser – vacancy
  • Guide & Ranger Residential Adviser  – Sarah Bugg
  • D of E Co-ordinator – Charlotte Anslow